quinta-feira, 3 de abril de 2014

LUG Brazil on Anime Friends!



Gostaria de avisar a todos que o LUG Brasil, o nosso grupo de fãs de LEGO, estará presente no Anime Friends deste ano! Certamente serão mais de 35 mil peças podendo chegar a mais de 200 mil peças. Estamos com um Stand de 400m² e certamente teremos a presença das estações Star Wars, Senhor dos Anéis, Hobbit, Cidade, Steampunk e de outras que todos irão curtir muito.

Aguardamos a todos nesse grande evento, que acontecerá entre os dias 17 a 20 e 24 a 27 de Julho, no Campo de Marte, em São Paulo. Mais informações sobre o evento, acesse a página do AnimeFriends e acompanhe a preparação em nosso site. Aguardamos a todos que gostam das montagens em LEGO e de LEGO de forma geral, vocês irão se surpreender com as montagens!!!

Eu realmente não assisto anime e nem vou participar; porém gostaria muito de participar porque vai ter LEGO.

(mais postagens estão vindo!)



I would like to warn everyone that the LUG Brazil, our group of LEGO fans, will be present at this year on Anime Friends! It will certainly be more than 35 thousand pieces reaching more than 200 thousand pieces. We have a stand of 400m² and will certainly have the presence of Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Hobbit, City, Steampunk and other stations that everyone will really enjoy.

We look forward to everyone in this great eventwhich will happen between the 17 to 20, 24 to 27 July at the Campo de Marte, São Paulo - Brazil. More information about the event, Access the page of AnimeFriends and follow preparation on our site. We look forward to all who like the buildings in LEGO and LEGO a general way you will be amazed at the buildings!

I do not really watch anime and I will not participate; but would really like to participate because there will be LEGO.

(more posts are coming!)

sexta-feira, 21 de março de 2014

Sorry and I'm back!

(Brazilian Portuguese first, right after is in English.)

É... estou a um bom tempo parado aqui... me desculpem, a preguiça sempre me contém. Agora estou de volta, com mais MOCs, WIPs e etc.
As próximas postagens serão do Spirograph V2, Chocolate Mixer, WIP - Overhead Crane (ponte rolante) e meu GBC.

Ah, o projeto do avião não deu certo, infelizmente :( e o Super Tucano venceu! :)

Meu Flickr.
Minha page no Facebook.
Meu canal no Youtube.

Eu descobri mais um ótimo MOCador! É o Dips ou Diego Ponce. Ele monta coisas de tema militar, principalmente tanques e minifigures.

Tem mais um blog brasileiro de LEGO, o Mundo LEGO.

Participei, nos dias 9 e 10 de novembro, da EXPO LUG Brasil 2013. Pretendo participar das próximas também! Veja as fotos aqui. Vou fazer um post também (pretendo).


Yeah ... I'm stopped a good time here ... sorry, laziness always contain me. Now I'm back with more MOCs, WIPs and etc..
The next posts will be Spirograph V2, Chocolate Mixer, WIP - Overhead Crane and my GBC.

Oh, the project of the plane didn't work, unfortunately :( and the Super Tucano wins! :)

My Flickr.
My page on Facebook.
My Youtube channel.

I discovered another great MOCador! He's the Dips or Diego Ponce. He build military things, especially tanks and minifigures.

Exists another Brazilian blog of LEGO, the LEGO world.

Participated in the 9 and 10 of November, the LUG Brazil EXPO 2013. I intend participating in upcoming too! See the photos here. I'll also make a post (I intend).

domingo, 20 de outubro de 2013


Hi guys! I'm doing a poll to find out which plane you want me to make by LEGO Technic!
Please vote!
The planes:
Aero Boero AB-115
Argentine aircraft, which is used for training in Brazil.

Aero Boero AB-180

Argentine aircraft, which is used for training in Brazil. It has a more powerful engine than the AB-115.

CAP-4 Paulistinha
 Made by Companhia Aeronáutica Paulista (Aeronautical Company Paulista).This aircraft is used for flight training in Brazil.
EMB-314 Super Tucano
It is an aircraft turboprop light attack and advanced training that incorporates the latest advances in avionics and armaments. Designed to meet the operational requirements of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) for a tactical strike aircraft, capable of operating in Amazonia the benefit of the project SIPAM / SIVAM, and coach initial fighter pilots.

P-51D  Mustang
Used in WWII, the Korean War and other conflicts. During WWII, the Mustang pilots claimed to have shot down 4,950 enemy aircraft, second only to the Grumman F6F Hellcat fighters among the Allies.

Supermarine Spitfire
It was the British fighter's most famous WWII and the only Allied fighter that operated throughout the conflict.

terça-feira, 15 de outubro de 2013


Hi guys, today I saw the statistics in my public blog.E discovered that my biggest audience is the USA and Brazil, after Germany, France, UK,South korea and China!
Obrigado! (hehe pessoal do LUG Brasil!!!)
Je vous remercie!
If you have an idea of ​​posting to my blog, do not hesitate to talk to me! My email: "pepepissinato@gmail.com"

quinta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2013

LEGO Independent Suspension Steering Drive

Hi guys!See my LEGO MOC Independent Suspension Steering Drive!(sorry for my bad english,in my country i don't speak english!)


quarta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2013